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Hello readers,

This blog post is about our science experiment last week we dissected a heart and learned some of the parts.

What equipment did we use?

  • Scalpel
  • Lab scissors
  • Tweezer
  • Plastic gloves
  • Dissecting pan

We first used bamboo skewers to stick it in the superior vena cava and started to cut the heart to see the heartstrings, Valves, Septum, and Muscle walls.

Structure and Function of the Heart


What job do these parts do?

Arteries: Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to the rest of the body. They play a crucial role in the circulatory system by delivering nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and organs throughout the body.

Veins: Veins are blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart. They transport deoxygenated blood from the body back to the heart to be re-oxygenated and recirculated.

Septum: The septum is a partition or wall that separates two chambers or cavities in a biological structure, such as the nasal septum that divides the left and right nostrils or the septum that separates the chambers of the heart.

Ventricles: Ventricles are the two lower chambers of the heart. They receive blood from the atria and pump it into the arteries. In the brain, ventricles are interconnected cavities filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

Valves: Valves are structures that control the flow of fluids within the body. In the circulatory system, valves within the heart and veins prevent the backward flow of blood. Similarly, valves in the digestive system regulate the movement of food through the digestive tract.

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Bacteria and protists are similar in that they are single-celled organisms. However, they are different in many ways such as their cell structure, genetic material, and metabolic processes. While bacteria are prokaryotic organisms with no nucleus, protists are eukaryotic organisms with a true nucleus. Additionally, bacteria play an important role in many ecological processes, while protists often serve as a food source for larger organisms.

Kingdom, Phylum, Class,Β  Order, Family, Genus, Species.

Species-In biology, a species is a group of organisms that share similar characteristics and can interbreed to produce fertile offspring. This means that members of the same species can mate and produce viable offspring that can also reproduce. However, they are reproductively isolated from other species, meaning they cannot interbreed and produce viable offspring with members of other species. The concept of species is important in understanding the diversity of life on Earth and how organisms are classified and organized into different groups.

Binomial naming- Binomial naming, also known as binomial nomenclature, is a standardized system used to give each species of organism a unique scientific name. The system was developed by Carl Linnaeus in the 18th century and involves giving each species a two-part Latin name, consisting of the genus name and the species name. This naming system is important because it allows scientists all around the world to refer to the same organism using a standardized name, regardless of their native language or location.

Classification of living things- Classification of living things is the process of organizing and categorizing living organisms based on their physical and behavioral characteristics. It involves grouping organisms into different hierarchical levels, such as kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. This system of classification helps scientists and researchers better understand the relationships between different organisms and their evolutionary history.


In PE, we have been doing athletics. I have learned how to do some events, such as Long Jump, Shot Put, and Running. My topic isΒ  Discuss. I learned how to stretch from the Discuss event, you might have learned the technique on how to spin and release the discus for maximum distance. You might have also learned the importance of proper footwork, balance, and throwing mechanics. Additionally, you might have learned how to adjust your technique based on the wind and other external factors that can affect your throw. Overall, participating in the Discuss event can help you develop your coordination, strength, and technique, which can be useful for other sports and activities as well.

Beep test 3.3
Run 1 3
Run 2 3
100m sprints 18
High jump 0.9
Discuss 10.5

Hauro blog

Te Whare Tapa Wha describes our well-being as a wharenui(meeting house) with four walls. There are many ways you can take care of your hauora by keeping active, reaching out, and staying connected with whanau and friends. Being assertive means communicating with others like friends and family directly and honestly without hurting anyone’s feelings. It is important to take care of the four areas of our hauora cause of our strength and symmetry. These importantΒ  four walls are been show on the photo below.


Te Whare Tapa Whā - 4 Dimensions That Will Influence Your Teaching in a  Super Positive Way - THISISGRAEME

My Hauora learning

What does Hauora mean to me? -Hauora means my well-being.

What has been my favourite activity? -My favourite activity is the NUMBER GAME.

I understand Taha__tinana__ the most.-Taha Tinana is about your physical well-being.

I am confused about Taha__Hinerango__ the most.

I need to learn more about Taha_whanau_.-Taha Whanau is about who makes you feel you belong.

Ice Melt-Science

Talofa lava readers ,

For science we had to do an experiment where we had to put ice on different surfaces and had to see which of them would melt faster. My prediction was that the ice cube would melt faster on the iron surface because it was colder than the ice cream container we had to experiment with. Turns out my prediction was completely correct.

Pepeha – English

Talofa Lava everyone ,

Today I will be showing you my pepeha. This activity was for English. We had to create a way to introduce ourselves. There were many different ways to introduce ourselves digitally. For example , creating a slideshow with a bunch of photos explaining ourselves. One of the choices were to write a pepeha, since I’m not from New Zealand I’d really love to learn my pepeha. Here is my work.